Adult & Business Sessions

Business & Balance: SCORE Empowering Women Entrepreneurs

Business and Balance: SCORE Empowering Women Entrepreneurs is more than just a conference; it's a launching pad for ambitious women ready to take their businesses to new heights. We recognize the unique challenges faced by women entrepreneurs and have tailored this conference to address these needs and provide tangible solutions.

Taking Root will kick off the day with a Mindfulness Session at Seacoast SCORE’s Women’s Conference!

Join us as we start off the Business & Balance Women’s Conference with a Nature and Mindfulness session! Our session begins at 8:00 AM!

When and Where:
Day Long Women’s Conference
October 20th 
7:30 – 5:00 pm
$59.99* (Includes Breakfast, Lunch and Drinks)
 Alnoba Leadership Conference Center

Your business flourishes when you flourish. When we center ourselves and quiet our environment, we reduce stress and become more aware. Sharpen your focus, and come fill your cup at the Business and Balance: Score Empowering Women Entrepreneurs Mindfulness event with Kaitlin Muller-Cusack, M.E.d., RYT, Somatic Breathwork Facilitator.

SCORE Business & Balance Conference

Nature and Mindfulness for your Business!

Your business flourishes when you flourish. When we center ourselves and quiet our environment, we reduce stress and become more aware. Sharpen your focus, and fill your cup with Kaitlin Muller-Cusack, M.E.d., RYT, Somatic Breathwork Facilitator. Kaitlin is the founder of Taking Root, Nature Based Education and Mindfulness. Kaitlin will explain the science behind mindfulness and take students through Nature and Mindfulness practices providing discovery and relaxation.

Timing: These sessions typically range around 60-75 minutes.

Weekly and Monthly sessions offered

Pricing based on number of students and quantity of sessions

Please call or email for more information.

Book a session for your business

Adult Nature and Mindfulness Sessions

Are you in need of a Nature and Mindfulness break? Get outside, connect to yourself, others, and nature.

Join Kaitlin for a 75 minute workshop of Nature Based Education and Mindfulness actives such as guided meditations, nature walks, yoga and more!

What to bring: Layers (we do live in New England!), a yoga mat, water and comfortable walking shoes.

Locations vary around the Seacoast.

Session day and times may be subject to change with notice.

Stay tuned for upcoming sessions!

adult and business session testimonials